Building a climate-neutral future.

Bird-eye view of a forest

OPHARDT strives for green.

A healthy planet and healthy people go hand-in-hand. Our mission to Break the Chain of Infection is deeply tied to the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and the environment. We are working to build a sustainable, circular economy while improving health and well-being around the world.

Illustration of hand holding sustainability icons
OPHARDT Sustainability Report

Read the OPHARDT Sustainability Report.

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Break the Chain of Infection. A three-pronged approach.

Improve health and well-being.

Bettering the health and wellness of people around the world through infection prevention and improved hygiene.

Cultivate stronger communities.

Creating a positive social impact in our local communities and in communities around the world.

Foster a thriving Environment.

Responsibly managing the environmental impact of our operations, while delivering more with less.

Good hygiene. All over the world.

At the very heart of our business is our commitment to improving the health and well-being of people around the world.

Improving hand hygiene in hospitals.

By the end of 2020, our OHMS software recorded more than 45 million hand hygiene events in European healthcare facilities.

Responsibility e.V. logo

Responsibility e.V.

Responsibility e.V., an OPHARDT-connected non-profit, raises support for good hygiene and infection prevention in under-developed communities around the world. The group provides much-needed health and hygiene equipment for hospitals, schools, and other organizations in need.

Products designed sustainably.

80% recycled stainless steel.

Durable, high quality. Our stainless steel contains up to 80% recycled content.

100% recycled aluminum.

Hygienic, autoclavable. Our aluminum contains up to 100% recycled content.

Post-consumer recycled plastics.

Open and closed systems. We use plastics from municipal recycling programs in a variety of pumps and bottles.

Made for recycling logo

Made for Recycling. Certified recyclable.

A variety of pumps and container combinations have been tested and certified recyclable by an independent, third-party certification body.


SanTRAL® Plus wins green award.

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Sustainable products. For every setting.

SanTRAL Plus ACU 1

SanTRAL® Plus Series

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Cloud Bottle pumps

Cloud Bottle pumps

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ingo-man Plus

ingo-man® plus

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H3 Dispenser

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For our environment. For our future.

Our Renewable energy.

We are investing in renewable energy projects at OPHARDT with solar installations at our Canadian and Belgian plants, and biomass energy at our Irish plant.

Solar panel illustration

We purchase renewable electricity.

At our sites in Ireland, Belgium, and Germany, we purchase Guarantees of Origin for our electricity supply mix. Our purchased electricity supply mix reached 73% renewable in 2020.


Protecting the climate.

OPHARDT Germany won third place in the Klimaretter-Lebensretter campaign in 2020.

Supporting biodiversity.

At our Issum location in Germany, we restored an unused 1200 m2 field into a wild meadow. Today the meadow supports a variety of pollinator species and is maintained twice a year by grazing sheep.

Have more questions?

  • Which dispensers have recycled content?

    The X10, SanTRAL® Plus, contain recycled content. Many of our pumps are both recyclable and made with post-consumer recycled plastics.

  • How can I purchase OPHARDT products?

    You can purchase them through distributors, through OPHARDT’s Customer Service, and, for a few products, online.

  • Where can I learn more about Responsibilty e.V.?

    Please visit the website.